"If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Vampire Jokes

What does a vampire fear most? 
Tooth decay.

Why doesn't anyone like Count Dracula? 
He's a pain in the neck.

Why did the vampire's lunch give him heartburn? 
It was a stake sandwich.

What is a vampire's favorite fruit? 
  • A neck-tarine.
Why does Dracula consider himself a good artist? 
  • Because he likes to draw blood!
Who did Dracula take out on a date? 
  • His ghoul friend!

What is the best way to talk to Count Dracula?
  • Long distance.
How does a girl vampire flirt? 
  • She bats her eyes.
Was Dracula ever married? 
  • No he's a bat-chelor.

Where does Dracula keep his valuables? 
  • In a blood bank.
What did the teacher say to Dracula after he failed his math test? 
  • Can't you count Dracula?
What is red, sweet and bites people? 
  • A jampire !

What is Dracula's favourite flavour ice cream? 
  • Veinilla.
What's Dracula's favourite coffee? 
  • Decoffinated.
What do you get if you cross Dracula with Sir Lancelot? 
  • A bite in shining armour!

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