"If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."

Monday, April 25, 2016

From the #Author: Never #Alone

I’m here in #England- the setting of #BloodOmen; walking the same streets Dea and Ana did; passing through the same parks and woods that the vampires hunt in; riding in the same Underground tunnels under which the Apophi live. 
And yet I feel strangely disconnected. I have this deep need within me to feel it; really feel it; to soak it all up and understand it and be it. 
I haven’t lived in England for 16 years. 
Being here, I see my characters and story so clearly in my mind’s eye. 
But the street, park, road ahead of me and path beside me are empty. 
I walk alone but my vampires are always with me. 
And so I remember them and am never alone.

Blood Omen Book 6

I've been adding to my 6th book of the Blood Omen Saga this weekend. It's called

BLOOD OMEN: Memories

It includes scenes of Dea's learning to be *SPOILER* 'different.' It also details some important moments from the past of certain characters- the twins, Santi & Sara, when they were together, Santi's search for his sister and how she ended up in Apophi hands, the relationship between Elias, his father & the Vampire Council, Stuart & David and how they became Luficen, Charlotte & Lucas, and much more.

I'm only 10 pages into this book so if there's anything you want me to explain that isn't in the main Blood Omen Saga, or anything you want me to go deeper into, send me a message on www.fb.com/bloodomensaga 
Design Book Cover 3 Competition

The poster for the design competition- GEORGIA ONLY

I've been running a cover design competition for my Georgian fans to design a book cover for Blood Omen 3: Fulfilment- the Georgian version, which is being translated now and will hopefully see daylight (or moonlight) at Halloween 2016.

Here are SOME of the designs- there are many many more. I haven't chosen yet and NOT all my favourites are here. If you want to see all the designs, go to www.fb.com/bloodomensaga and scroll down. 

I'll announce the 'MY CHOICE' winner at midnight on May 16th and during the day (May 16th) YOU have the chance to vote for 'THE FAN FAVOURITE.' Get online and vote for YOUR CHOICE on May 16th.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


"The interval between dusk and dawn is precisely the moment when the window of death opens up. This is not death as a tragedy. This is the life path we have to walk, leading us towards death. It is a time you can't see on your watch. It's a time of amazement and wonder." - Pako Svimonishvili

Monday, April 11, 2016

Strix Dictionary 2

In the #bloodomen saga the #vampires have their own language. It's called #Strix. I don't remember exactly how I chose that name for the language, but I just googled it and found it's a mythological blood-drinking bird...hmm...anyway. There isn't actually much Strix spoken in the books- it would get too complicated for Readers to follow. Instead, I use English and say things like: 
                                                     "Hello, how are you?" he said in Strix. 
If you know any #Spanish, #Italian, #Catalan, #Lithuanian, #Basque or #Arabic, you might recognize a few of the words below.

34) Please - porfa
35) Want - voray
36) Like - kaip
37) Buy - nupirkti
38) Speak - habla
39) Come - ateiti
40) Hunt - catha
41) Drink - gerimas
42) Safe House – Casa Ana’ar (a Safe House is a kind of hostel where vampires can stay the night if they can't go home before sunrise. These Casa Ana'ar vary in quality and standard just like human hostels do).
43) Bike - moto
44) Tree - zuhaitz
45) Book - liburu
46) Ring – ani’l

Check out Strix Dictionary 1 here

Friday, April 8, 2016

High School

I went to a high school in the UK called Matthew Arnold. My best friend went to a different school. Tonight she found her school badge and I remembered mine and I remembered my high school. More on that in future. I got thinking about Matthew Arnold. He was a poet- and a religious one at that. I'm neither a poet or religious, but I looked up some of his quotes and I can see he was pretty smart. Here's two I liked that can be applied to vampires:

"It is so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived light in the spring, to have loved, to have thought, to have done." Matthew Arnold (on Aluka)

"Use your gifts faithfully, and they shall be enlarged; practice what you know, and you shall attain to higher knowledge." Matthew Arnold (on Apophi training, and on martial arts with Takeshi)

Matthew Arnold- great hair, great mind ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Blood Omen Victims

Have you ever stopped to wonder how vampires get away with blood drinking? In the olden days, when  Lestat and Louis were prowling New Orleans, there were no police, no forensics laboratories, no explanation needed. People just disappeared and it was part of life. Now we have CSI and a deep network of investigative bodies. But still, the vampires find their ways. And where the authorities interfere, they can just pay them off or use mind-control to make them forget. The Blood Omen vampires are, for the moment, invisible...

Hunting animals isn't always enough

"Please help me," a voice whispered, and then I saw the owner's face come into the little light that was thrown off by the nearest candle: a young human woman with straggly blond, blood-soaked hair. Her face was damp with perspiration, her lips trembling and red with smudged lipstick. Her blue eyes bored painfully into mine.
"Don't let him kill me, please. Help me…"

Then I saw the mark on her throat where vampire teeth had torn into her, and I realised, as my nostrils flared, what the smell was that had tempted me so: the metallic tang of fresh blood...
"The people in there…they deserve to die," David said.
"How can anyone deserve to die?" I asked him in horrified amazement.
"Some vampires think all mortals deserve to die," he commented, smiling sadly. "But those people," he continued, tilting his head to indicate the tadhia room, "are murderers, rapists, child-molesters… the hurters of innocents, the scum of humanity. We just pass a faster judgement on them than a court of humans would." 
He shrugged.
"It's just a game to you…to vampires, then?" I demanded.
He looked sharply up at me, staring me straight in the eye. "Dea, when you live as long as we do, with the existence we live with, with the blood lust we have…you sometimes need to have some fun; let your instincts out to play. And hunting animals isn't always enough." 

Evil tastes better / Mercy killings

"How could she be bad? She looks so innocent," I wondered aloud as I watched them.
"They usually do," Mica said with a wry smile. "She's Russian. She killed her little half-brother in a fit of jealousy and hid his body in a dumpster before coming to the UK."
"But did she do it deliberately? I mean…" I said carefully. "Is she really a bad person? Maybe she needs help…you know, like from a psychologist or something…maybe she isn't a typical murderer?"
"What's a typical murderer?" she asked me. Then: "Come on." She stood up and I followed. "You know what we are Dea. We need blood to live. There's no avoiding it."
"I know…"
"Listen," she insisted. "We try and go for bad guys whenever possible. And like Lucas said, there are enough of them out there." She waved a hand at the crowded concourse. "And the plain fact is that evil does taste better." She smiled. "Or we go for people who are dying anyway: mercy killings."
"Like the girl who owned my dress," I said.
She nodded before continuing. "But like I said, at the end of the day we have to go for what we can get and it doesn't always work out fairly. But then…we don't think like you do."
"You mean you don't have morals," I said.
"I mean we can't have morals. We kill. Humans, animals; it's all the same to us. If we cared too much or felt too guilty, we wouldn't be able to live with what we are. Remember, we're born needing blood. We'd have a pretty miserable existence if we felt guilty every time we took it!"

Easy pickings

"They have a breeding program," he answered grimly. "They call them the Unknowns: people bred as food."
I felt the colour drain from my cheeks. He saw this and shook his head.
"I know. It makes me feel sick too," he said. "But of course, a ready food supply doesn't satisfy their need, their…instinct for the hunt. So they also take humans from the streets, too."
"How is that possible?" I’d often wondered but never wanted to ask
"The same way it is for our Coven," Santi replied with a gentle smile.
I looked at him expectantly.
"Go into any police station," he said, putting his hands behind his head and looking up at the sky. "And you'll see a missing persons poster."
I nodded for him to go on.
"They're all vampire food," he said. "Homeless people on the street- they go unnoticed and unregistered anyway: vampire food. Runaway kids: vampire food. Travellers; foreigners; old men and women sitting at home alone, dying of the 'cold'; people dying in hospital: vampire food. All of them ours for the taking."
People in hospital…I thought, the idea hitting too close to home. But he hadn't finished.
"People don't like to make a scene; you saw that when you came with us to the train station- most people look through us; not seeing what we are or what we do."
Or not wanting to see, I thought, remembering how the people had glanced at Charlotte as she fed. And then turned away.
"But the people who have family?" I asked. "The people with relatives and police searching for them? How can you hide their disappearances?"
"Mystery deaths; closed cases. Who believes in vampires, anyway, Dea?" He sat up and ran a hand back through his hair; his sign of discomfort or irritation. "We are invisible."

The new solution? Well, Apophis is coming...

Monday, April 4, 2016

Updated 11-04-2016

Review of the Blood Omen Saga [extracts]

By Sabrina of "omgbooksandmorebooks"

Liza Corbett's Gothic Watercolours

Blood Omen I: The Vampire Wars

This book has put a dynamic aspect to the world of vampires. Before reading it I was used to one dimensional "vampires". I haven't come across a book that dives into the different kinds of vampires like Blood Omen does. With Egyptian mythology, diverse characters, and a world-ending prophecy, The Vampire Wars is a rare gem in the world of Young Adult Fiction. I can't recommend it enough.   

For more, click here

Blood Omen II: Drawn to Darkness

Ahh, this series keeps getting better. Book 1: The Vampire Wars finished on a major cliff-hanger because Dea finally meets Him. And his name is Stuart. 

I was starting to like Stuart until the middle of the book and I was about to refer him as a misunderstood cinnamon roll but now I think he's just evil.

If you want to understand my feelings about Stuart, check out my goodreads updates: 

In Book 2, we learn a lot more about the Apophi and the history behind their ruling. The apocalyptic prophecy is reveled slowly and we learn Dea holds the key to the second part. 

And I'll be honest, the motorcycle scenes are thrilling...

For more, click here

Blood Omen III: Fulfilment

...I loved the split perspective of Dea and Santi. Both are trying to live without the other but trying to gain strength from one another. I think Santi is one of my top 5 book boyfriends. He's swoon-worthy, smart, and determined to save Dea at any cost.

This book is absolutely wonderful. We are at a tipping point and I can't wait to see what's next. There will be a total of five books in this series. I don't want it to end (I know it's only book three and I need to chill, but still).

I love the writing. It's so engaging and fluid that it was hard to stop reading. The story was so gripping that now I have to know what comes next...

For more, click here

Blood Omen IV: Beyond Death

This is the best book yet in the Blood Omen series. Dea and Marcello are at the hands of the Apophi and there is nothing to stop the rise of the Apophis. With a daring rescue orchestrated by Santi and the rest of the coven, Dea is safe but it is only a matter of time when the Apophis will rise and take over. There has been many deaths...

The second prophecy has been unlocked, of course with the help of Stuart, and Dea is the key to the future. Well *spoiler* is the key to the future but you have to read the book to find out who *spoiler* is. It was unexpected and I was shocked. A lot happens to Dea, a lot. She started off as a girl who no one knew trying to navigate her way through life to someone who holds the key to humanity. She has changed but I won't say how, very spoilerly subject. But with the support of her Coven, Dea is the key to stop the Apophi...

I can't wait for the last book, The Balance, in the Blood Omen Series.

For more, click here

Blood Omen V: The Balance