"If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."

Monday, April 11, 2016

Strix Dictionary 2

In the #bloodomen saga the #vampires have their own language. It's called #Strix. I don't remember exactly how I chose that name for the language, but I just googled it and found it's a mythological blood-drinking bird...hmm...anyway. There isn't actually much Strix spoken in the books- it would get too complicated for Readers to follow. Instead, I use English and say things like: 
                                                     "Hello, how are you?" he said in Strix. 
If you know any #Spanish, #Italian, #Catalan, #Lithuanian, #Basque or #Arabic, you might recognize a few of the words below.

34) Please - porfa
35) Want - voray
36) Like - kaip
37) Buy - nupirkti
38) Speak - habla
39) Come - ateiti
40) Hunt - catha
41) Drink - gerimas
42) Safe House – Casa Ana’ar (a Safe House is a kind of hostel where vampires can stay the night if they can't go home before sunrise. These Casa Ana'ar vary in quality and standard just like human hostels do).
43) Bike - moto
44) Tree - zuhaitz
45) Book - liburu
46) Ring – ani’l

Check out Strix Dictionary 1 here

1 comment:

  1. great!!! i was waiting that! i'm waiting new part for my dictionary
