"If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Why did you decide to write about #vampires?

They decided for me. I started writing short vampire stories when I was around 14. Before that I read the #AnneRice collection and watched Interview with the Vampire. Then I started reading other fiction like #L.J.Smith's #VampireDiaries. Reading and watching lead to dreams and from those dreams I created my own stories.

Will you ever write about anything else?

I've actually started writing out the first chapters of a book (no name yet) about guardian angels and demons. It's set in Georgia, which is in many respects still quite an Orthodox society. I checked some angel/demons details with priests I met here, but I think, while the story will have its setting in real recognizable places and will be a key in to Georgian lifestyle and society, the paranormal part will come mostly from my own imagination.

Will there be any connection between Blood Omen and your #angels series?

Some ideas to connect the two have come to me. But I haven't decided for sure yet. For example, the angels in #Georgia series could be set in the post-Awakening world where vampires rule, but Georgia would be like a small corner of the world that wasn't so affected, or was affected by dark forces other than vampires- like demons - who appeared when Apophis was woken up. Or not. I'll see where my inspiration takes me next!

My next book will feature angels and demons
Tbilisi at night...my new domain for demons...

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