"If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Getting an Honest Review

Reviews are one of the best ways to get people to buy your Self-Published books. 

Though I've had a lot of people download my books from Amazon, these people have been incredibly lazy to post reviews- which makes promoting it as a book worth reading (which it is!) very hard! 

One way around this issue is to 'cold-call' book bloggers. There are a lot of avid readers out there who have set up blogs on which they post reviews of the books they've read. Some will, if you send them your book, write reviews which they then post on their blog and on other important sites like Goodreads and Amazon. It's a slow start but it's a guaranteed way to bump up the review numbers and get honest unbiased feedback on your work. 

Be ready to hear some negatives, but don't let it get you down- everyone has their own taste; their own idea of how a character or story should go. If there are more positives than negatives, feel good. If the negatives outweigh the positives, then you might have to re-think your work. 

You can read the latest review of Blood Omen 1: The Vampire Wars from college graduate Sabrina, here:

And remember- the next time you read a book, head over to Goodreads and Amazon to review it. It takes just a few minutes of your time but can mean the world to the author!

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